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Genomate vs. Traditional NGS report from sequencing lab
How does Genomate compare with Next Generation Sequencing reports from major labs running molecular profiling? Are you currently seeking a more sophisticated alternative for genomic profiling? Discover our exhaustive comparison between Genomate reports and traditional Next Generation Sequencing reports.
NGS, or Next Generation Sequencing, is a widely used approach for profiling a patient's tumor based on genetic alterations.
The output is a list of genetic alterations that are then usually annotated with drugs matched 1:1 to a single identified variant. Identifying the best treatment can be challenging for oncologists when traditional molecular profiling reports present either a list of potential drugs or none at all.
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Mask for Genomate Health
Looking for more actionable information?
NGS lists genetic alterations and drug recommendations based on a patient's genetic profile. However, this approach often leaves oncologists with a long list of possible drugs (or no drugs at all), resulting in confusion and a lack of actionable insights. Genomate offers a revolutionary solution beyond just providing data on a list of variants and drugs. Genomate analyzes all of a tumor's genetic alterations in combination using data from thousands of pieces of evidence and a decade of research. It generates a personalized report ranking the best drugs to treat the patient's unique tumor profile, providing the patient with the best shot toward a positive outcome.

Let's explore how Genomate outperforms traditional NGS testing reports in providing actionable insights and optimizing cancer treatment.
Genomate is the world's first proven AI-powered clinical decision support system for precision oncology.
Genomate takes personalized cancer treatment to the next level by utilizing AI modeled on real patient tumors and associated outcomes. It analyzes all genetic alterations in a patient's tumor and generates a report that ranks the best drugs matching all driver alterations for that specific tumor profile. This actionable report provides oncologists valuable insights, empowering them to optimize treatment decisions and improve patient outcomes.
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Genomate provides actionable insights, not just data.
Genomate sets itself apart from traditional lab reports by going beyond providing mere data. With its AI-driven approach, Genomate offers actionable insights that help oncologists navigate the complexities of cancer treatment. By analyzing a patient's genetic alterations comprehensively and generating a personalized report ranking the best drugs, Genomate eliminates the guesswork for oncologists, leading to improved treatment outcomes.
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Genomate fulfills the promise of precision oncology.
Genomate's scientifically proven and evidence-based AI, developed over the past decade, ensures that physicians can access the most up-to-date and accurate information. With a higher efficacy of therapy and a reduction in unnecessary treatments, Genomate offers a powerful tool for oncologists to provide the best care possible for their patients.
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Discover how the Genomate report compares with an NGS report from a traditional lab vendor.
While sequencing data from labs provides valuable genetic alteration information, Genomate goes further by delivering actionable insights to oncologists.
By leveraging AI and extensive evidence sources, Genomate's personalized reports empower physicians to make informed treatment decisions based on the specific molecular profile of each patient's tumor. With improved treatment outcomes and reduced financial toxicity, Genomate offers a superior solution for personalized cancer therapy. Take the next step towards optimal patient care, and visit our product page to learn more.
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